The first time that Elisabeth provided energy healing for my horse Bel, his reaction was so profound that words fall short in describing our experience. As he relaxed and softened away from his usual edgy state, he physically and emotionally leaned into me in a way I won’t soon forget. Ours was a highly connected, emotional experience. The flow of energy was remarkable and palpable. Each subsequent treatment has provided Bel with the same deep healing. Elisabeth’s skills, intuition and intention are nothing short of extraordinary. I simply cannot recommend her enough.
— Karen B.

“I met Elisabeth when my horse Mica was in crisis. Mica is 12 year old OTTB who kept developing nasal polyps. We had them surgically removed 3 times before the pathology finally came back as a rare cancer which the polyp was forming around. Mica went back to UC Davis for an oncology consult, and we were told that there were no treatment options as the cancer was too involved in the nasal bone. His prognosis was weeks. Elisabeth began working with Mica just before he went back to Davis for his oncology diagnosis and was so helpful at keeping him calm and centered and telling us what he was feeling and what his energy looked like. She also worked with both of us when Mica came back from Davis, essentially a hospice horse. Then something amazing happened, the cancer suddenly went dormant. It just stopped growing! We are now 6 months past diagnosis and he is still stable, happy, and enjoying his life. It’s nothing short of miraculous and I am grateful every day for the time Mica and I have been gifted.”

 Angelika M.

Elisabeth's intuitive skill both using Reiki and “inter creature” communication, was indispensable in helping me find a management plan for my profoundly damaged rescue horse. He responded to her calm demeanor and allowed her to access his emotional trauma in order to start a healing process. Elisabeth works in stages, does not hurry and is diligent about follow up and feedback. I highly recommend her.”

Carol P.

"When I first met Elisabeth I immediately liked her and knew she was a wonderful Animal Communicator! Throughout more than a year of experiencing hundreds of her conversations with animals, I was continually delighted and amazed at her natural animal listening ability in addition to her compassionate way of being with people. This combination of animal and human compassion and listening makes the finest Animal Communicators and Elisabeth is one of those great ones!"

Maia Kincaid, The Sedona School for Animal and Nature Communication, USA


"I knew that Elisabeth had an affinity for communicating with animals because of the confirmation of information about horses that we both had interactions with. But it wasn’t until a few weeks after Elisabeth had communicated with our new rescue dog, Mrs. Brown, that I was fully convinced of her special talents.

Ms. B told Elisabeth that in addition to being very blessed and happy she told her that she loved running.  I was very skeptical when I first heard that from Elisabeth because Ms. B is a Chihuahua mix and when we first got her she seemed more like a professional lap dog.

After spending more and more time with Ms. B I am happily surprised that she in fact does love running and her happiness is palatable and contagious as she runs with her ears pinned back, a happy doggy grin on her face with her short little legs flying and her tail spinning crazily in circles. 

Along with the power of healing and reiki I know that Elisabeth has a gift in communicating with animals and I have asked her to help me with understanding other animals in my care. I’m always pleased and slightly awed at her abilities.  I will continue to reach out to her whenever I need some extra help and clarity with my animals"

Stephanie S.

"Elisabeth is a very intuitive and perceptive personality. I contacted her after we adopted our Zola. Zola is a tortoiseshell cat who was found in the street as a kitten. We adopted her from a vet practice and I want to make sure she was feeling well with us. Thanks to Elisabeth, we understood many things on Zola’s reactions while settling in our family. It feels natural to contact Elisabeth whenever we need to know how Zola is handling changes in her life"

Aline L-C.

