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Energy healing

What is energy healing?

Energy healing is a non invasive way of bringing an animal’s energy back into balance. It can help an animal on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Through a deep, heart to heart and soul to soul connection, energy from the Universe is channeled and the animal is able to direct it where it is needed.

Energy healing is never a replacement for a vet visit.

If your animal does not seem right or their behavior has changed, please consult a veterinary doctor first and foremost. Energy healing is a complimentary holistic approach but will never replace a vet visit. There is no diagnosis involved.

Depending on the situation, I may use hands on healing techniques (working through the animal’s chakras), distance healing or Reiki healing in order to help balance the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies of the animals. The animal can guide me through intuitive communication and I always connect with them before a session in order to get a better picture of what might be going on in their lives.

Through working with animals, I have been drawn into helping their human families as well. I therefore offer hands on and distance energy healing to the animal’s companions if needed. As caregivers for our animals we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and an energy healing session can help us find that balance again which in turn will help their companions.