My Story

“Thank you for being who you are and letting me be who I am- not just seeing me as what I can or cannot do”
— Message from my horse, Lingaro.

It took me many years to discover who I truly am. In the end, it was Mother Nature and some of my animal companions that made it very clear.

As a child, it seemed easy and normal to me to spend time in Nature and never feel lonely. There were always birds to talk to, trees to listen to, my childhood dog to chat with... then adult life took over - university, jobs, moves across the world, family life - all positive memories - however there was something missing: the connection to nature and animals. This changed the day when animals started to walk into our lives. First came Pamina - an Irish Setter puppy, then Tosca - a stray lab who seemed to have sought us out - and then Lingaro: a rescue horse.

From then on, things started to shift; I embarked on a herbal apprenticeship and discovered that I could actually journey with plants and learn directly from them.

One day, Pamina (our Irish Setter), looked really down and I couldn't understand why. She seemed truly depressed. That same day, I received a phone call from a friend who told me that her dog Luto had just passed away. He and Pamina had grown up together and had shared many long walks until we moved away. She explained to me that her dog had called on an animal communicator just before transitioning. Everything fell into place: I had proof that animals are truly connected to one another and to their people. I started reading, inquiring, and had a couple of consultations with professional animal communicators and never looked back! As years went by, it became very clear to me why these animals had suddenly appeared on our doorstep and I am very grateful for their support and love.

I am constantly reminded by my own animals as well as clients' animals how strongly we are connected and how much our lives can improve once we realize this. No animal or living being should be denied self-expression: they have so much to share and teach us, and I am excited to give them a voice and help humans understand who their pet companions are.

I have also had many opportunities to connect with animals in the wild, ranging from dolphins to polar bears, and the wisdom they share is very often mind blowing!

Over the past few years, I have been drawn to helping animals on an energetic level as well, and have therefore been trained in animal Reiki and hands on energy healing for both animals and humans. I also volunteer at animal shelters and rescue centers.

My main focus is now to offer a combination of energy healing and intuitive communication as - with time- I discovered that they are both healing experiences and the best way I can serve the Animal Kingdom. I have also discovered that healing often does not stop at the animal but sometimes involves their person.


My Teachers

I am very grateful to all of my animal communication teachers - Marta Williams, Nedda Wittels and Maia Kincaid for sharing their passion as well as to all of my fellow students with whom I have shared this journey.

I am also grateful to Reiki teacher Kathleen Prassad for sharing her passion for animal Reiki, to Teresa Menzies for introducing me to Reiki in the first place and to Margrit Coates for her animal healing workshops and books! I am also a graduate of Healing in America where Roger Ford and Kim Vincent teach energy healing for humans.

Special thanks too to all my Animal Teachers, including the many animals now in spirit as well as my animal teachers in the wild!



