How does an energy healing session work?

The way I like to work is to combine both animal communication and energy healing. Usually when a client contacts me about their animal, I ask them to send me a picture and a very brief description of their main concern. I will then connect with the animal intuitively and get to know them a little bit better. Before I go out to meet them in person for a healing session, I make sure they know I am coming and what I am coming for. They will often let me know whether they prefer hands healing or distance healing and it is important to respect that choice. During the session, I ask the owner to be there either holding the animal (in the case of horses for example) or sitting with their pet. The session may resemble a meditation and it is often also very relaxing for the human. During the healing, I am constantly listening to the animal; I can feel their energy as it moves and hear their voices.

How does a remote healing session work?

Sometimes it is not possible for me to be with the animal. In that case, I use a picture of the animal and connect to their energy remotely. This can be particularly helpful in a hospitalization scenario, long distance transportation, etc… The end effect is the same as energy has no boundaries.

My goat seems to be under the weather; can you tell what is going on?

First and foremost, you need to consult a veterinary doctor. I do not diagnose and do not have the medical knowledge. Once you have a better idea of what is going on, I can have a conversation with your animal and offer energy healing.

I have recently adopted a dog that is terrified of everything. How can you help?

In this case, I would certainly suggest a combination of Animal Communication to get to know the animal better and energy healing. Very often, animals that have landed in a shelter have no clue as to why they were there; some have been abused, ignored, were strays, were dumped by their families… It is important to show them that they can trust again and giving them a voice makes a huge difference. Sharing healing energy with them can bring them some immediate comfort and relief and allow their bodies and minds to start to heal. It can also help to start build trust in humans.

My cat will undergo surgery soon; can you help him during that time?

I would highly recommend having a conversation with your cat before taking him/her to the vet clinic for surgery in order to explain what is going to happen. Sending distance energy healing during and after surgery can also help the animal cope better with the stressful situation.